The most widely accepted fact about the benefits of acupuncture is its role in relieving chronic pain. A meta-analysis published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, analyzed the results of 29 high-quality acupuncture trials. The authors concluded that acupuncture is effective for chronic pain conditions, migraines and arthritis. At Regenerate Acupuncture, we have seen these results first hand, but it is great to be able to show this conclusively in a scientific study. Check out the article that the New York Times ran about this study.
Acupuncture is proven effective for chronic pain
Tags: acupuncture, Acupuncture Abdominal Pain, Acupuncture And Pain Relief, Acupuncture And Pain Research, Acupuncture Back Pain, Acupuncture Back Pain Relief, Acupuncture Bladder Pain, Acupuncture Effect Pain, Acupuncture Elbow Pain, Acupuncture Foot Pain, Acupuncture For Pain Relief Near Me, Acupuncture General Pain, Acupuncture Glute Pain, Acupuncture Groin Pain, Acupuncture Head Pain, Acupuncture Heel Pain, Acupuncture Hip Pain, Acupuncture Pain And Inflammation, Acupuncture Pain Brain, Acupuncture Pain Calves, Acupuncture Pain Cancer, Acupuncture Pain Dental, Acupuncture Pain From Needles, Acupuncture Pain Hand, Acupuncture Pain Health, Acupuncture Pain In Ear, Acupuncture Pain In Foot, Acupuncture Pain In Legs, Acupuncture Pain In Lower Back, Acupuncture Pain In Pregnancy, Acupuncture Pain Points, Acupuncture Pain Relief, Acupuncture Pain Relief Study, pain
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