Can you lose weight through acupuncture? Acupuncture is a technique of traditional Chinese medicine that consists of the insertion of small needles in key points of the Continue reading
Acupuncture, as effective as antidepressants Acupuncture treatment has been scientifically proven to be very effective in treating depression, which causes so much suffering. And it lacks the Continue reading
Acupuncture Anxiety Treatment Acupuncture for anxiety is considered an alternative treatment based on the stimulation of different points in the body by inserting needles into the skin. Continue reading
What are the benefits of acupuncture? To learn about acupuncture, we must first know what this alternative technique is, whose benefits have made it a guaranteed medical Continue reading
What is the purpose of acupuncture as a preventive therapy? We all know by now that the best approach to our wellbeing is a proactive one. That’s Continue reading
How is stress affecting your life? Is it a minor annoyance like a train delay messing up your commute, or is it impacting your health in a Continue reading
The most widely accepted fact about the benefits of acupuncture is its role in relieving chronic pain. A meta-analysis published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, analyzed Continue reading