Acupuncture Anxiety Treatment
Acupuncture for anxiety is considered an alternative treatment based on the stimulation of different points in the body by inserting needles into the skin. Acupuncture is a fundamental treatment within the Chinese medical system and is used to intervene in a large number of diseases.
What is anxiety?
The prevalence of anxiety disorders is around 14-20%, therefore it is a fairly common pathology. Anxiety is defined as an “unpleasant, negative emotion that arises in a situation where the individual perceives a threat”. Anxiety can manifest itself when we are waiting for a diagnosis or treatment, when facing an illness, when facing a career test, when having to speak in public, when having to go to work, etc.
It becomes a problem when the experience lived as a threat is the only thing that predominates, there begin to be bodily reactions and, moreover, we are not able to get out of that loop. It is as if the threat, no matter how big it is, is the only thing that counts. We can no longer sleep well, we do not have a normal family or work or student life, we stop doing what we used to do, what entertained us, we live in shock… We suffer from anticipation of future dangers…
On other occasions, anxiety occurs when, faced with something concrete, we are not able to react or we overreact. This can become a problem if, for example, we give lectures and have to speak in public but the situation overcomes us and we develop a panic crisis.
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
Within the physical symptoms of anxiety we can have:
Pale and cold skin.
- Sweating.
- Palpitations.
- Digestive discomfort, from nausea to an urge to defecate.
- Dizziness.
- feeling of suffocation, Etc.
It is not something voluntary. In cases of anxiety this activation is continuous, we never relax or, if we do, anything can activate it again.
Acupuncture and anxiety
Today it is known that acupuncture acts, among other things, on the autonomic nervous system by having effects on blood pressure, pupil size, skin temperature, heart rate, etc. It is also known that it activates different parts of the brain in different diseases caused by imbalance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activities being able to modulate the neurotransmitter response which helps to improve the person suffering from the disease.
But does acupuncture work for anxiety?
It has been scientifically proven that acupuncture is a reliable medical intervention that serves to cure and treat many illnesses. It is now known that the brain and the immune system are closely linked through the endocrine system. Therefore, a technique such as acupuncture that has been shown to have a direct effect on the regulation of the immune system, could also provide benefits and reduction of symptoms in those people who suffer from anxiety or other emotional disturbance.
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