Acupuncture is a technique that is part of traditional Chinese medicine. It comprises an alternative approach to health that originated in ancient China more than 2,500 years ago and has evolved over the years.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, pain and illness arise as a result of an imbalance between the two forces that direct the human body, the yin and the yang; and this imbalance blocks the flow of life energy, or qi.
Acupuncture involves inserting very fine needles into the skin to stimulate specific points on the body to cure or alleviate an ailment and restore well-being. It is increasingly used to improve general comfort, for example, to manage stress.
Among its many benefits, we highlight the following:
1. Reduces pain
The first benefit of acupuncture is that it decreases pain. It regulates the nervous system so it can be beneficial in relieving chronic pain as well as acute pain.
2. Relieves stress and anxiety
Acupuncture can also help us prevent and relieve the symptoms of stress. Furthermore, thanks to the needles, the balance in the body’s energy is restored, leading to a state of relaxation. Even acupuncture helps to reduce depressive processes.
3. It helps us with insomnia
Another benefit of acupuncture is that it helps to end insomnia and improve our quality of sleep.
4. Reduces allergic reactions
Acupuncture can be a good complement to increase the effectiveness of any treatment that treats a skin condition or allergy.
5. Help in cancer treatments
In addition to reducing pain and relieving anxiety by promoting a better mood, it helps to reduce the side effects of cancer treatments.
6. Helps prevent cognitive decline
Recent studies show that acupuncture can relieve age-related symptoms of cognitive impairment.
7. Promotes circulation
Acupuncture improves circulation so it can be effective in treating inflammations and varicose veins, improves wound healing and reduces muscle oedema.
8. Strengthens the immune system
Acupuncture increases our defenses against viruses and bacteria.
Are you curious about this ancient practice? Ask us any questions you may have about it and we will be happy to introduce you to this technique based on ancient oriental health knowledge.